If your life is busy and fast-paced, finding quality time to spend with your family is not easy.

Let’s face it: When you have school-age children, your days can get filled up quickly. Your day likely starts with getting everyone ready in the morning, then taking kids to school or getting them off to the bus stop. Then it’s off to work, followed by a visit to the grocery store, kids off to sports or maybe music, dance, or karate lessons, home to get caught up on laundry and other chores, preparing and eating dinner, then homework for the kids, and cleaning up for Mom and Dad. Then, it’s off to bed and starting the whole routine again. 

All of these activities are fine in themselves. Still, when you find your family juggling so many things, often going off in different directions all over town, you soon find it difficult just to have a family meal together. Sometimes, driving in the car together can be your only opportunity to connect. At some point, you want to stop the frantic rush so your family can regroup and find the ground under your feet.

The constant rush, chaotic schedules, and lengthy commutes can strain family bonds. Of course, you still love each other and do things together, but when was the last time you just sat and conversed with a family member to find out how they are doing, rather than just what they are doing? What if there was a way to bring balance back into your family life, to reclaim time and space for your loved ones? 

The answer to that is what Mode Life can provide.

What’s Inside

On the outside, Mode is a building – a large one at that. It is a co-working space located in Liberty Lake, Washington. But it is also more than just a place. It is a revolutionary concept that takes the unraveling strings of your family and gathers them back together, providing you with a center that offers a school, workspace, dining, recreational activities, health and wellness, and social structure. 

While Mode cannot promise you familial bliss, it can promise you to give you some distinct advantages for your family if you value closeness.

The primary advantage of Mode is giving your family the gift of time. It can reduce the stress of hectic mornings by providing a single central location for school, work, after-school activities, and even dining (if you want) under one roof. Cutting out a 10-minute drive here and a 20-minute drive there, you suddenly find yourself with a few extra hours every week. That may not sound like much, but when was the last time you took ten minutes to savor a cup of hot coffee sitting in a relaxed, hygge-infused atmosphere rather than slurping a drive-thru java as you cruise down the highway? Ten minutes is more than a length of time. It is ten minutes less of dealing with the stress of traffic, noise, and distraction. Wouldn’t you rather convert those 10-, 20-, and 30-minute stretches into precious moments spent with your spouse, kids, and friends?

Safety is another paramount concern for modern families. Parents worry about their children traveling to school on buses or walking from the bus stop. Parents also worry about the school facility: is it secure from intruders, and is anyone lurking around the school who should not be there? At Mode, there is a K-12 school integrated within the facility. You can have peace of mind traveling together with your children to school and knowing that your children are safe within the confines of Mode. With you working in the same building, you know your children are only steps away, and your children feel safe knowing you are right there in the same facility. 

Regaining the Proper Balance

When you are physically closer to your children, you can create more opportunities for frequent interactions throughout the day, whether it is taking a lunch break together, bringing your child to a doctor’s appointment within the same facility, or walking together to a dance lesson, yoga class, or the fitness center. Mode also provides locker rooms and showers, making changing gears easy when you want to engage in different activities, whether within the building or elsewhere, without having to take a trip home. The Mode Life brings families closer by promoting opportunities to do things you and your family may not have had time to do before and enabling you to have shared experiences. From family-friendly events to movie nights, there’s something for everyone. Instead of having to coordinate complicated logistics to plan a simple family outing, you can enjoy quality time together almost effortlessly. 

The Mode Life conscientiously creates and promotes healthful activities. Instead of fast food, noise, and gaming, you can access the services of other Mode business tenants who have been curated based on the quality and nature of what they can offer. The emphasis is on health, wellness, wholesome physical activities, and other supportive services that enable you to structure your life the way you want. Occasional events like needing a haircut or meeting with your child’s teacher can fit seamlessly into your day because what you need is within easy reach. You suddenly have the freedom to control your schedule. 

The benefits of living the Mode Life extend beyond you and your family. Families that center their weekday life around Mode become part of a tight-knit, like-minded community of individuals and families. This sense of belonging can be enriching, as it fosters connections, friendships, and support networks that can enhance the overall quality of life for parents and children.

The “Mode Life” is a game-changer for modern families seeking a healthier work-life balance. We invite you to visit Mode in Liberty Lake, Washington, and become one of the first members of this innovative and exciting place. Contact Mode today and take the first step towards redefining how your family lives, works, and thrives. Say goodbye to stressful commutes and fragmented schedules, and say hello to a more harmonious and fulfilling family life.