Feeding your soul is as important as feeding your body. MØDE’s culinary offerings are crafted to delight your senses and nourish your spirit. Gather with friends and family to savor moments that go beyond the plate.

Food for the Soul


Liberating Education Through Experiential Learning And Personal Development. 

Liberty Launch Academy offers a compelling alternative to public education, focusing on experiential learning, whole child development, and preparing principled leaders for the future.


‍What makes us different? One word… VALUE. We want to add value to your life through fitness, nutrition, and connection. Our program is designed by professionals to keep you injury free and give you great results. We offer fitness classes, Personal Training, Nutrition coaching and open gym.

From high-intensity circuits in the Fit Class to barbell lifting and challenging workouts in the Metcon Class, and a focus on low-impact, high-function strength training for retirees in the Retired Strong class, there’s a tailored experience for every fitness goal.


At Terra Yoga, we provide both heated, and non-heated Yoga classes. Our studio is inclusive and caters to the individual needs of each student. Through our belief and experience, combined with patience and calculated action, one can immediately reap the innumerable benefits of Yoga. 

Office hours:

This is subject to change when our schedule ramps up and we hire a front desk person. For now, the in-office hours are fairly limited. 

Monday-Friday 10:15-12pm, 2pm-5:30

Saturday-Sunday 10-12pm


At Terra Yoga, we provide both heated, and non-heated Yoga classes. Our studio is inclusive and caters to the individual needs of each student. Through our belief and experience, combined with patience and calculated action, one can immediately reap the innumerable benefits of Yoga. 

Office hours:

This is subject to change when our schedule ramps up and we hire a front desk person. For now, the in-office hours are fairly limited. 

Monday-Friday 10:15-12pm, 2pm-5:30

Saturday-Sunday 10-12pm


At Terra Yoga, we provide both heated, and non-heated Yoga classes. Our studio is inclusive and caters to the individual needs of each student. Through our belief and experience, combined with patience and calculated action, one can immediately reap the innumerable benefits of Yoga. 

Office hours:

This is subject to change when our schedule ramps up and we hire a front desk person. For now, the in-office hours are fairly limited. 

Monday-Friday 10:15-12pm, 2pm-5:30

Saturday-Sunday 10-12pm

Connect, Create, and Cultivate.