The MØDE Coworking Campus in Liberty Lake, Washington, strives to enable its members to attain that elusive ideal of work-life balance while still being productive at work and achieving physical and mental well-being. So, how can MØDE help you accomplish this? Let’s imagine a hypothetical day in your life as a MØDE member.

In the morning, after getting up and getting ready for the day, you drive to the campus. The trip to MØDE is along wide boulevards with very little traffic. The building itself is set back among the trees, with plentiful parking. The drive into the parking area is lined by mature trees and an expansive campus with views of the hills. You park, walk into the building along the hall to MØDE Work, enter, and look for a comfortable workspace. Today’s schedule is pretty low-key, so you select one of the sofas in an open area, put your bags on the coffee table, and pull out your laptop. Maybe one day you’ll get one of the private offices, but so far, the coworking spaces have been ideal.

Before you get going, you head into the break room to put your lunch in one of the refrigerators. The Nespresso machine beckons, but you want something with a little more bite, so you decide to stroll over to Grit & Grind, the on-campus coffee shop, to get yourself a specialty coffee. You woke up a little late this morning and left without eating, so you pick up a breakfast pastry, sit at one of the tables overlooking the patio, and check messages and your schedule on your phone while you eat.  

It’s time to get to work. You walk back to the coworking area, unlock the space with your phone, stroll by private offices, the plant wall, the break room, and back to the sofa. You pull out your laptop and connect to the Wi-Fi, and the work day begins. 

As you work, you look up now and then, see others who use this space, and wave to those who catch your eye. Some people look busy, working away in their private offices behind glass walls, while others are taking a mid morning stretch or quietly murmuring to the coworker beside them. A small group is in one of the conference rooms, having an animated discussion about something on the large screen, but your space is still completely peaceful. You look out the window. It’s a beautiful day. Maybe you’ll take a walk later along one of the paths around the complex.

At lunchtime, you head to the break room, pull out your lunch, and pop it in the microwave. A few others are there that you haven’t met yet. Good! It’s a great way to meet interesting people who do interesting things, so you grab a seat and introduce yourself.

After an enjoyable lunch and making some new connections, you have a few extra minutes and decide to go on your walk. Even though it’s sunny, there is plenty of shade under the trees that line the path, so you don’t get hot. After a short walk, it’s back to an afternoon of work. You decide to sit on one of the benches on the private patio under the shade, so you head out the door with your laptop.

You are done early today. Nice! You think about gathering up your stuff and walking down the hall to the gym to fit in a workout, but you feel a bit lazy. Never mind. You’d rather take advantage of your early day to go home to spend time with your family. 

You plan on coming in early tomorrow to work out and shower before beginning the day. Tomorrow night, there’s another social event at MØDE with live music. It promises to be great fun, and the family can meet you here. You think about how great it will be next year when one of your kids can attend Liberty Launch Academy just upstairs on the next floor. That will be great!

As you stroll out to your car, you reflect on how working here has been a game-changer. Trying to work from home was difficult – you didn’t have a dedicated home office, and getting distracted by chores around the house was just too easy. The kids were sometimes noisy, and making the whole household operate around your work schedule wasn’t fair. It sometimes meant catching up on work at odd hours, which was stressful; it seemed like there was no separation between work life and home life, and you would get irritable. 

Since you became a member of MØDE, both work and family life have been better. You can go into “the office,” but the vibe is relaxed and comfortable, not intense and stressful. You get all the benefits of a collegial work environment with none of the downsides. You have flexibility, and you are more efficient and productive than ever. Home is just a short drive away, and you can leave your “work mind” behind. Besides, your spouse and the kids come by and spend time with you here now and then, anyway. They like the space and enjoy many of the events; they don’t seem to feel like this is an office building – there are too many fun things to do: dancing, sports, and a cafe! Even the family doctor is here. MØDE has harmonized all the essential threads of your life: family, work, health, and well-being.

Check Us Out!

Every aspect of MØDE’s coworking campus has been thoughtfully and intentionally designed to make your life work better: more organized, more balanced, and more efficient. It can give you and your family the one thing you can never get enough of: time — not time to waste or time to worry, but time to spend on the things that make life richer: family, good health, productive work, and community connections. With its unparalleled amenities, serene surroundings, and vibrant community spirit, it’s more than a place to work; it’s a lifestyle enhancer that gives you the opportunity to balance your life the way you’ve always dreamed of. For more information or to sign up for membership, contact MØDE today.